Anita Barbee
Team lead
Dr. Anita Barbee (U. of Louisville) leads the evaluation of all child welfare workforce training initiatives in Kentucky, including pre-employment hiring and educational programs and post-employment educational programs. She is co-PI on Kentucky’s Title IV-E Waiver evaluation, which includes an RCT. Her consulting work in over 29 states has focused on developing interventions to address workforce turnover, building capacity in training delivery and evaluation, and certification of front-line child welfare workers and supervisors using tests and observation tools based on job analysis. She is experienced in developing, implementing, and managing cross-site evaluations nationally, through her independent and collaborative work with James Bell Associates and ICF to design, conduct, analyze, and report results on cross-site evaluations of the Children’s Bureau’s National Resource Centers, Implementation Centers, and the Capacity Building Collaborative. As Evaluation Lead, she will coordinate the efforts of the QIC-WD Evaluation Team.