Supporting New Workers: Evidence-Informed Strategies for Those in Supervisory Roles
This webinar provided a general framework for what research says about best practices in onboarding, provide examples from our work with various jurisdictions to support supervisors who work with new workers, and evidence-informed strategies to make new workers feel like they are part of something bigger.
Supporting Virtual Supervision as Part of a Hybrid Workforce
Managing a hybrid workforce comes with new challenges for supervisors in public child welfare agencies. This webinar focuses on strategies to support supervisors by offering evidence-informed tips and tools for effective supervision.
Measuring Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Your Child Welfare Workforce
Many child welfare agencies recognize the need to have a diverse, equitable and inclusive (DEI) workforce, but it is challenging to know where to start. One strategy is to understand who is currently in your workforce by measuring DEI. This webinar will provide strategies for measuring DEI, reflecting on those DEI measures, and planning for the future.
Attracting and Hiring Workers: Evidence-Informed Strategies
Public child welfare agencies, like other employers, are struggling to find workers. This webinar will provide a recruitment framework, discuss select recruitment strategies that we’re currently testing, and share strategies to measure recruitment efforts.
Coping in the Time of COVID: Evidence-Informed Strategies to Support YOU & the Child Welfare Workforce
This webinar features QIC-WD team members who research and practice in the fields of marriage and family therapy and social work (see their bios below). It was recorded on May 6, 2020 and breaks down the research into useful tips for frontline workers, supervisors, managers, parents, and child welfare administrators who want to support themselves and the workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic.